Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Field Blog Post # 10

Mrs. Kelm AP Stats

NDCL High School

My final field blog experience of the semester was interesting. I came on a pretty bad day, the class was taking a evaluation of the class. I thought I could not do anything but I talked to Mrs. Kelm. Her and I had a typical talk about college and everything. She was telling me how she knew she wanted to be a teacher when she was in her other profession. She said that she was not happy going to work, working over 50 hours a week not having a good time. She said she could be doing something better with her time. That really connected with me. She told me you are only 18 years old it is fine you do not know what you want to do yet. Yes I want to be a teacher but I am not 100% convinced this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. But that is what made me feel good is she was able to change her job. We discussed why I like it and why I do not. She told me about her experience. Not everyday is the best, some classes are difficult to try and connect with the students. But that is the cool part. Figuring out different techniques that work for you and your future students. She also told me that her co workers are the best their, they are all kind and helpful.
Even though class was not really going on this day it was one of the best field experience yet because I could just talk to her about everything going on which was very beneficial.
I truly enjoyed going class to class, teacher to teacher. Picking up on ways to teach, and ultimately good life skills in the field of teaching and the field of life. They were helping me think through problems and ideas I could not get my head around. So I am glad I went on these Field experiences throughout the first semester.

Field Blog Post #9

MR. Stoffl Geometry

NDCL High School

This time when I came to visit Mr. Stoffl he told his students he was going to give them a quiz when class ends. The students were all complaining. Mr. Stoffl told all of the students that they were going to review the whole class for what was on the quiz except for the last 20 minutes. The last 20 minutes were for the students to take the quiz. While I was in high school geometry was not my best class, partially because my teacher never explained it well and it was difficult to understand him. But I watched Mr. Stoffl explain everything. He even gave me a quiz at the end of class. I finished the quiz in 5 minutes getting everything right. I am not saying I am super smart or anything but if the students followed what he said it was a very easy quiz. That is coming from someone who has not taken any type of geometry in three years.
After class I talked to Mr. Stoffl and he told me that he saw a good amount of students with a very poor score. He said the students just do not care at all. He said he tries to help them out as much as possible. He said"Come to talk to me whenever you have a problem I will help you. You can come during activity, or after school I will help you."  He then told me the students just do not care, they do not pay attention in class. It was difficult for to see him that because you could tell a part of him felt as if it was his fault. He tries everything but the students do not seem to really care. It really is unfortunate for Mr. Stoffl.

Field Blog Post #8

Mr. Stoffl

Freshman Algebra
NDCL High School

He started the class with a prayer asking any of the students if they had any intentions. He then went through a quick review of what last class was about. He then gave a quick quiz about the material from the previous class. If the students did not understand the information that was given the first time he would go through it again and explain it more in depth. Sometimes he even did an example. It seemed to help the students big time.
There was a certain situation where he called on a student to try a problem. The student said I have no idea how to do this I'm going to get this wrong. He responded right away saying "just take a chance on it." The student ended up getting the problem right. He then told the class afterwards to always take a chance. Even if you get it wrong it is okay nobody is perfect we will get something wrong throughout our lives. Then he made a joke that made the whole class laugh saying "except for myself of course." It was a great job of him building the classes confidence.
When Mr. Stoffl started a new topic he would go through the information a couple of times to make sure everyone understood what was going on. It seemed that the students were understanding the information very well. Mr. Stoffl had a great student-teacher relationship, they all liked him a lot and some stayed after to talk with him.

Field Blog Post #7

Mr. Looman Government
Block 8
Mayfield High School

In Mr. Looman's block 8 class there were only about 15 students. It was much easier for him to control the class. He used the same information with this class as he did with his previous class. He was able to get through all the information much quicker. They all were paying attention asking good questions. I knew that Mr. Looman's keys to success with his class was to be yourself, and to be confident while teaching. While he had the notes on the screen he let the students write it down first and then he would expand on what was on the board. It seemed like a good technique because the student would actually listen to what he was saying. When they got through all the information he would play give them time to work on homework. It was a reward for the students. Then he talked to them as friends at the end of class. He was talking about how he saw this video online of a moth stuck in someone's ear and he even played it for the class. He would joke around with his students in a very positive way. A way that brought the students closer together to him.
Mr. Looman is a great teacher and one that I would hope to be like one day. The way he is able to give information and connect with his students. He is happy all the time while teaching, always smiling. The sign of a good teacher is to be in a good mood, have energy and try to engage the students into the class.

Field Blog Post #6

Mr. Looman
Government Block 7
Mayfield High School

When I entered Mr. Looman's block 7 class it was huge! There were 28 students. It was difficult for him to keep control because there were so many conversations going on at once. I started watching the students talk, I am not even kidding I looked at there were 7 different conversations going on not including what Mr. Looman was teaching. He had to raise his voice to get the classes attention.
He told me that this class was very talkative. He decided to print out notes with some blanks to go through the lesson faster. When trying to emphasize a point he pulled up a video about the certain topic. For the class that day it was about the Bill of Rights.
He went through each section then would give them real life examples, and ask the students if it was legal. An example he used was if they wanted to protest the Mayfield school district could they stand on the sidewalk off the high school property? All the students answered yes. When the were wrong, the reason they were wrong was because Since Mayfield High School is a public school anywhere people pay for the school is part of the school. The only was they could protest anything about the High school they would have to be outside of Mayfield city. I thought that is a great way to teach. One he described how it was against the Bill of Rights and it was a good lesson for the students. Also the one thing I love about Government is that it teaches the students so much. He used the example that an office needs a warrant to search anything that is yours. Majority of the students did not know that. That is something that could keep some students out of trouble if they are ever doing anything wrong. 

Field Blog Post #5

Mr Looman Government
Mayfield High School

When I first arrived at Mayfield I got a tour of the school from Mr. Looman. The school was divided up into different sections. The whole history and government department was right next to each other. They also had two different teacher lounges. One was for all teachers then they had a lounge for the specific department. I found that odd but it made sense. The one part I did not like about that is that a teacher could not meet all the other teachers, but just have a good relationship with their certain department. Mr. Looman and I talked about the transition from a private school to a public school. He said the difference is that he does not have the best relationships with his co workers. He is still in contact with teachers from his former school, but has not made any close teacher friends. We also talked about the students. He said that in a public school it is a little more difficult to keep control of the students. The class size is a lot bigger per class. We also discussed reasons for leaving. It was a better opportunity. Mr. Looman was a coach at NDCL but was freshman basketball, at Mayfield he was varsity assistance. Also we discussed a little bit of the pay of a public school. We did not get into to much detail because that is a bit rude. But he was telling me that the public school pay is better it is just a little more stressful, and he said he does not have the same connection with the students at Mayfield compared to NDCL. He said he loved NDCL but he had to look out for his family. That is a big decision maker in my choice as a teacher, how to make sure my family is well off.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Field Blog #4

Mrs. Kelm After Class

This time with Mrs. Kelm we talked about cheating, and how to deal with struggling students. She was telling me the way she avoids cheating is by making different tests. That with multiple test if they do cheat she can easily say that it was cheating. Also she was telling me during test she watches her students to make sure they are not cheating. When it comes to homework she says that she does not care that much because they are only hurting themselves. If they actually care they will do the work on their own. She said it isn't that much of a problem with her students. But she said overall with her the classes she teaches it is very difficult. The reason is an English teacher can see how someone just reworded what someone else said. For her the person can copy down the work exactly and how is she suppose to know. It is a tough job for a Math teacher.
We also discussed what to do about a struggling student. She told me when the student is not doing good she talks to the student first. Respects them enough to not get the parents involved. She tries to see if something is going on with the student. If the student continues to struggle she then will call the parents and let them know. She believes that these parents are paying a good amount of money and their child should be doing their best. Visiting that day was a long time, but very cool. I learned a lot about teachers in the classroom and outside of the classroom. How a teacher interacts with the student. Overall it was a great experience I was excited to have done it.

Field Blog #3

Mrs. Kelm After Class

After attending two of Mrs. Kelm's classes I hung out with her for two more hours after to talk about teaching. We talked about grading work, planning, working with other teachers, dealing with students struggling, etc. When it came to grading papers she told me she does not care whose name is at the top of the paper she does not even look. She said she can tell who was the student based on the first page. She had the test with her and went through the first page of the student to see how they did. It took her about 15 minutes to grade 22 quizzes. She flew through the grading.
After that we went through a way to planning out the next week. She had the flexibility to change it up based on how much they accomplished through the day. Also she had like 3 weeks planned in the future. But could change it very easily. Also she would work with her other co workers. They would see how they match up with each other. Who has more stuff done, how the students are doing. They would also help each other with papers. They would give worksheets to each other.
The teachers were very close to each other. They were friendly, always talking to each other having fun. Being able to joke around with each other.
 It was interesting watching the students interact with the teachers outside of class. They were friends. It was a friend asking another friend for help. That is how I want my students to be one day. Feeling comfortable enough to talk to me about almost anything. Thinking of me as a friend not as a teacher. That is one thing she was able to do with her students.

Field Blog # 2

Mrs. Kelm Trig class

I was at NDCL for two class periods, this was the second class I attended. This was a different class then her stats class. This was a more intelligent group of students. The beginning of class they went through the homework assignment. She assigned 22 problems because she had 22 students. She told me that the students answer but not everyone will get involved. She had popsicle sticks with each students name on it and called on whoevers name came up. At first I did not like it for putting the student on the spot, but then I realized it was an affective way of getting the students involved. If the student struggled with the problem then she would walk the students through the problem. One time a student said "How do you not know how to do this problem." She answered very quickly defending her student saying it is okay that they do not know they answer. One great quality of defending her students so quickly showed the kind of person she really is which is awesome. She admitted her mistakes when they arose. She was doing a problem on the white board and at the end of the problem she was told that it was the wrong problem. She said something along the lines of " I'm sorry I messed up, let's do the other problem." It showed that everyone makes mistakes and it is not the end of the world or a big deal at all. The one thing she did great was challenging the students. She was able to push the students far and make them have to think about each problem. She wanted to make sure that they were difficult questions that they had to think about. She also does a lot of examples to drill it into the students brains, so they understand each section of work.

Field Blog #1

Mrs. Kelm Stats

This was the first time I went out into the field by myself and it was very interesting. I went to my former high school and went to my favorite teacher as well. Seeing as how it was my first time there I was nervous that I might be a distraction to the class. I knew many students in the class and I thought that people would try talking to me and asking how college is etc. But she handled the situation perfectly I thought. She told the class who I am, why I was there. She also told the students that I was there for school not to judge anyone and that they should pretty much leave me alone. I just minded my own business and observed her style. It was different actually watching how she taught compared to being taught by her. She was encouraging her students telling them to go out on a limb and take a chance. Which I totally forgot about. I noticed that she would rather have students be wrong then sit there and not answer any question at all. When the student was wrong she was able to see where they made a mistake and tell them how to correct that mistake. One thing she did a lot of was have the students go through problems. She would have the students go through each problem step by step. Each step she would ask a student to help her out. Then she explains each step or has the student explain how they got the right answer. It was interesting to watch her compared to listen to her as a teacher and see how great of a teacher she actually is. The first experience by myself made me realize that I would love to do this, and would be awesome at it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Clinical Teaching

In our class today we had Ch. 17 in the Educational Foundations book. I thought it went really really good for the first time of any of us teaching to people. We had a great planning meeting getting down into the material and then thinking of what we could do to make a great class. It shows what can happen in the future, collaborating with teachers picking up on ideas and plans.
The class today I thought went really good. I thought we all touched our topics very well, got our point across. I think we opened up people's eyes. To see how Finland teachers actually teach and how it is such a great profession over there. That can make them think the same way here. Think "Hey I'm a teacher this is awesome and I am proud of myself." I feel that the small groups were great. It was a good way to create good discussion and debate. In my own personal group they had a little debate start. One student thought the 3 class idea is terrible, while another person thought I liked that idea, they thought they were doing not as much and could focus on the main topics of what the government wants us to learn.
I thought one thing I could have fixed was to be more confident up there. I understand it was the first time people are nervous, but I think I could have been better if I were more confident. I believe that can be the key to teaching. Confidence is key in everything I believe especially up in front of 20 students. To show them that you understand the topic and that you are confident with it.
Besides for that I thought everything went great. People had good discussion, I felt like they understood the information.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Blog Post 10

All of the Blogs for the whole year (my view on ED100)

The Intro to Education class has been a real eye opener. Coming to John Carroll I was very unsure of what I wanted to do but I had an idea. Education was something I thought of as something I might like. I really can see myself doing this as a profession. Initially  when told about the 10 hours outside of class I was a little shaky on it. By that I mean I thought it might be a waste of time. But that has been my favorite part of the class. Going observing classes, imagining yourself in that position is so cool. I can totally see myself doing that when I get older. I am so excited to learn more about the educational process. It was cool to also see the classroom from a different side. Normally we have seen class as a place to learn information, but here I actually looked at the style each teacher had that I observed. The good part about that is I can take some of their style and create my own. I saw what worked in some classes and what did not work.
One really cool thing I thought was that I really only had 1 teacher I did not like their style of teaching. It just shows how great people are in this profession. I have seen about 8 teachers and all have been wonderful except one really that just shows that teaching is a profession people love to be a part of. Also the people in our class show a great, bright future for the teaching industry. Only a certain person can teach and it is seen throughout our visits. ED100 has shown me that I can do this and would love to do this as well.

Ryan Tyransky

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Field Blog

Agnon School

I was in a fourth grade class at the School of Agnon. It was different then what I believed about a 4th grade class. I honestly believed that the children would be wild and loud. I was wrong, they were very well behaved and very respectful. The one thing  I took away from this is that I know I cannot do younger children. I feel that it is a teacher student relationship. I want my relationship to be friendly. A relationship where my students and I are very close. In that situation I feel it is hard to do something like that. But this was awesome so now I know for sure I could not do this. I am a person who wants to teach mature students who have their own ideas and what not. The classroom was set up cool. The students sat at tables together. I like that because I feel like it builds the community of the classroom. The one negative aspect of that though is the students could talk to each other a lot easier. Overall the experience was a great one. It is one of those things where you find out a lot about yourself through what you do not like. Also it seemed like the teacher community was very strong. All the teachers seemed to be very friendly. I was walking to a class and the teachers were very kind and said hello with a smile. I felt very comfortable at that school. The school of Agnon was different. The class set up seemed odd. But the made it work. I liked how they taught Hebrew to the students. Great time at the School of Agnon.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Post Number 9

This week in class we talked a lot about what a good class is like. One main aspect I would love is to have a good class size. It is important to have a reasonable size because the relationship between the student and the teacher can grow. I would say the perfect size would be about 20 students. I did some observation at Mayfield High School and one class I was in had 28 students. The teacher could not do anything about the size it was hard for him to maintain control of the class. It was seen that he had some relationships but with such a big class it was difficult to have relationships with everyone. Also keeping the class quiet was difficult.
Another big aspect of a good school I believe is the qualities a teacher has. A teacher needs to be enthusiastic, caring, understanding, and have many other qualities. Being enthusiactic is huge because it can dictate the whole class, if everyone is willing to learn the upbeat energy will only make them want to learn more. Being caring is also huge. Teachers caring for the student is awesome. I remember this one teacher who actually called me and would talk to me all the time. I had a bad family incident and he would talk to me everyday. It made me feel valuable and I knew he cared. That is why I want to teach to help people out through tough times and make them feel special. Also not even a teacher last year helped me out so much last year. He was in charge of campus ministry and he helped me through so much it was unbelievable. He helped me find God and become a loving person who helps those in need. Finally being understanding is huge. A teacher has to listen to what the student has to say. The teacher is someone a student looks up to and trusts.
Teachers are a very unique because in a short time they can become very close to a person. An adult making such a good connection with a child is difficult enough. But teachers manage to do it somehow.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post
Cleveland Heights High School

Mr. Oakley

Mr. Oakley who was a student teacher was amazing. If I was told he was the real teacher I would have defiantly believed it. As a student teacher he had a great student-teacher relationship. When he would make a mistake he would admit it, he realized he won't be perfect. I believe that is a huge part of being a teacher is admitting when you are wrong. One cool thing he did was show different styles. It is cool because as a teacher you have a different style. Style is what separates a good teacher from a great teacher. Part of Mr. Oakley's style was how energetic he was.  His energy was enough for the whole class. The students fed off the energy and the class was excited to learn. One thing I liked was he complimented his students. When his students answered something correct he would say something like  " Great job keep up the good work". The students really appreciated that.
Mr. Oakley did a great job pushing his students. He wanted the students to answer the questions. When he asked a question everyone's hand would go up. In classes I have observed not a lot of hands would go up and I believe it is because of the energy he brought to the classroom. When helping students individually he would get on one knee and get down to their level. They would make eye contact while working. That shows a great relationship between each other.
He gave them a reward at the end of class. He gave them 5 free minutes for doing great work in class for the day. That is what happens they felt good at the end knowing they did good and they get rewarded. If students do great they get rewarded if they do something bad they will get punished it is as simple as that. Mr. Oakley shows a very bright future for the teaching industry.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Blog Post 8

 Blog 8 is a continued blog from number 7. Blog 7 was mainly talking about how to build bridges. To me the building of the bridges is building relationships. The student teacher relationship is one of the most important in a child's life. Teachers are mentors to the student, the teacher can have such a huge impact on a person. Students remember teachers from their grade school days. I personally have a very good relationship with my first grade teacher. Her and I connected when I was in her class and our relationship is continued today. She is responsible for the kind of person I am today. Without her I would not be the person I am today. Also I may not be here. She is someone when I have problems that I can talk to, she helped me in certain situations.
The student relationship with a teacher can be a literal life changer. Teachers who do not respect the student or treat them as inferior hurt the student. They hurt the student could have problems with their confidence in that subject and in life overall because of a teacher. I have been blessed to where I did not let any teacher effect me in such a negative way.
When I become a teacher I understand I cannot have amazing relationships with every student. But I can have a good relationship. A relationship where they feel comfortable with me and I am not the teacher they dislike. I want to make certain relationships that are close where I am close with a certain amount of students throughout my career to where I can help them. Myself wanting to teach high school I could help them through the whole college process. High school is a difficult time for some people and if I could help them through those times I would be happy with the bridges that my students and I made.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Post # 7

I believe Ayers is absolutely correct with the statement about a lousy teacher. A great teacher should defiantly be able to connect with the students. That is where I believe the bridge meets. The one end of the bridge is the teacher. The other end is the student. Being able to find a common ground is such a huge impact in a classroom.  Two examples of a bridge could be that the student has to go the whole way over the bridge. Meaning the student does all the work, learns it on their own while the teacher only gives them the assignments and the tests. Another bridge could be the teacher going the entire way. The teacher handing them all the knowledge not making the student work at all. That is why it is important to have a good common area in a classroom. The expectations should be known for the whole class.
I am going to plan teacher experience at my former school. I am going to tutor students who need help in math. I have talked to teachers there for my opportunity to help students. Helping struggling students is a big part of a classroom I believe. The only negative is that I will understand one aspect of the teaching world. I will not know how to deal with smart students. Being able to find a common ground between how to help the excelling students and the struggling students. The obvious answer is put more attention to the struggling students. The classroom life for a teacher is completely different then any of us can even imagine. It is a different experience. Being able to teach in front of 20 students is difficult. The main reason being people are judging in all sense. Also keeping the class entertaining so the students feel involved the whole time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Field Post Beachwood Middle School

When we attended Beachwood middle school it was very interesting. The first class I visited was Mr. Millers math class. The class had a very normal room set up. White board up front by his desk. The students had straight rows. While I was watching Mr. Millers actions I could tell he connected with the students very well. He was able to make little jokes at each student. One student talked up and Mr. Miller said he lost his job whatever it was, later on he gave him the job back. It was easy to see that the two had a good relationship. He emphasized what his others students did. What I mean is mistakes made in the other classes. Repeats examples from other classes that the students remember. He also did examples that related to the students it seemed like. Whatever they enjoyed he would talk about in a sense. He asks repeatedly if they understand the concepts. He informed them that asking questions is okay, nothing is wrong with not knowing information. Towards the end of class he let them get in groups and do homework. He gave them a compliment saying "you guys were so good today we will end early and you can start homework." Almost giving them incentive to keep doing good in class. While they were working a student asked a question he got down on one knee at her level and listened to her question really caring for the student.
The second classroom I visited was Mrs. Urbanski. She was a very different teacher. The first information I have down is she immediately talked down to her students. It seemed like the class was a dictatorship. If you do anything wrong you seemed to get yelled at. She tried to get the students to laugh but would get frustrated right after. Some good things I thought she did was she had students go up to the board and right on it.  Making them feel very involved. Also she asked what steps they like doing the most when it came to the Greatest Common Factor.
I could tell the two classes were very different. The first seemed like the class you always picture. The second was one you thought would never happen. The students all seemed to enjoy the first class and understood the information fine. The second they did not seem happy even though they understood the information. Overall it was a great first experience.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blog Post #6

One section that I put postit notes on was the first section which mainly talked about teachers being on a different level than the student. The book would say the teachers teach, the students learn. The teachers enforce, the students follows etc. I thought reading that a great teacher can teach but also has the students on the same level. The teacher should not be higher up they should look to make each student feel good. I want to ask the question of the word choice. Why do they use the word "enforce"? Using that word makes it sound like a dictatorship and the teacher has the ultimate power and there is not compromise or anything just the teacher running the show. I feel that the students should give input on how to make the class more enjoyable. Possibly a 5 minute break so they can relax for a little bit. Or maybe a student tries to explain the lesson after it has been taught. That would not only help with the understanding of each lesson but also the confidence of each child.
Another section I put a post it note on was the section about just putting information in their heads to have them pass. I dislike that section a lot. The reason is that if teachers make the class boring the student will not want to learn. Also if the teacher is not trying to help the student. They should not look at students only as passing, but actually trying to use the knowledge in life. If a teacher can explain how it is helpful the student would be more interested in the information. A teacher saying " do the work because I told you to, and because you need to if you want to pass this class." Is a terrible excuse. Tell the student it is at least part of the curriculum. My one teacher in high school in math told us some valuable information. She said " you are learning this because I want you to. I am the boss here you are the worker. You'll see in the real world you will do work that you see as pointless but the boss wants to be finished and you will do that work." That is the absolute truth.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

BlogSpot #5

In my whole schooling experience I have never really been taught or been told anything about homophobia's or heterosexism. I am glad that I was never taught about either topic. It is a topic where we need to find out about it and create our own views. As a child we are told to be nice to everyone, so naturally we are. I have friends who like the same sex I personally do not care. I knew the person before they told me. My view on the person did not change I still was friends with the person. He asked me one day " How come you never acted different once I told you I was gay?" I responded without hesitating saying " Why does it matter? If you were gay or straight you have always been a good friend to me, so nothing is going to change." I felt a little offended when he asked for the sole reason that he thought I would change my view on him. Honestly if someone likes someone let them be it is their business. Basically I learned everything about both topics by myself. I reacted fine the reason is I stuck with what I was taught as a child and that is to treat everyone with respect.
Some topics that Rofes talked about are how boys have to fit the tough style. That a boy who wants to play with dolls, necklaces, and other girly stuff will be picked on. I believe that is ridiculous. Each human is different and can do whatever they want to make them happy. We should not have labels for our children n let them do what makes them happy. When Rofes talks about understanding childhood he refers to being born gay and saying he was not born gay it was the house he grew up in. I personally believe you are born gay just as I was born straight. Understanding that nothing is wrong with how you were born. We need to let our child do what they want for fun, not judging them making them do stuff they do not enjoy.
I believe school should be a place where the children feel safe and can be themselves. I hope that when I am teaching I can help those who feel scared about telling people the truth and let them know I am in their corner. My vision is that people who are brave enough to tell others they are gay will not be tormented for their actions but treated equally.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blogpost #4

I would say nothing is wrong with the student or the students family. The family is raising their child the way they believe is best. The child is obviously going to bring those traits into the classroom with him. He is going to believe whatever his family says and does. As a child the first people we ever have real social contact with is our families, also when we are young we love to copy people. It is our natural instinct to follow the when we do not understand something. When you are at the age of four or five you do not know anything really. You are going to follow what siblings do, what parents do. Some of those actions may not be good but it is the way people are and we will continue to follow. The job of the teacher should never to judge students but to look to help them or talk to them about it. If it is a bad action they are doing they need to explain to the student why it is bad. Parents probably do not know their son or daughter is copying them so they cannot discipline them. The teacher then has to explain why it is bad. On the other hand the teacher should compliment the student when he or she does something good. Let's say a student starts to cry and another comes over and comforts that students. The teacher can talk to the student who helped and ask them where they learned to care and comfort others. The student would say he or she has seen their dad comfort their mom when she was crying. It is a two way street. The teacher should tell the student when they are doing something wrong and explain why. Also they should compliment the student when they do something good and talk to them about why it is good and where they learned it from.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ryan Tyransky
A question I want to ask is what does it take to be a great teacher? I would say to be a great teacher you need to have many skills that not everyone has. A great teacher needs to be able to connect to their students. They need to at least be a teacher student level, a step above that is if they are on the same level. For that to happen the teacher must become vulnerable and hope his students want to be on that level. A teacher does not go down to the students level but the student comes up to the teachers level and acts very mature. Another asset a teacher needs is to know the material. If the teacher does not know the material inside and out the students will not learn and will not respect the teacher. A great teacher needs to always be there for their students. I had a teacher in high school who I try and talk to a good amount still today. That teacher I know I can talk to about anything and she will do her best to help me with that situation. Teachers should feel comfortable to have a relationship with their students like the one I have with that teacher; it makes the students feel good about themselves that they can talk to anyone at anytime with such good experience.
The teacher should always look for suggestions from the students. Some students like group work and the teacher can try and work that into the class structure. Teachers should also make the students feel comfortable in front of their peers. Make sure no other classmates  make fun of others for asking questions or answering a question wrong that is ridiculous, the teacher should have control over that at all times and make sure students are never afraid to come to class.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Girls walking with a lot of bags                              
from different stores.
Some people had one or two bags. 
Girls had a lot jewelry.                                         
Large People eating Large meals.                              
Many people went in and out of                         
stores and did not get anything.

 Could have been rich. Parents gave them money.

 They could have bought a lot from one store,                                                                                    or put all bags into one big bag.

They seemed to have gotten the jewelry
  from parents or put it on right after they left a store.

The people must have been hungry.

Must have been bored do did not have enough money.

Parking Lot:
Rich, snobby, rude girls
Bored people, nothing to do, wasting time.
Large people eating more than they should.

Reflection: I learned we cant judge people based on looks and actions we need to learn about the person. I was thinking that people might have done this with me and judged me without me even knowing. It should be to know the people not what they buy, wear, eat; more about the personality of each person. The activity invites us to judge but we can judge but not have any real views on these people.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

class survey

Personal Info
1. Ryan
2. Chesterland
3.  High School 9-12 Math
4. Very caring and helpful to those who seek help.

Learning Style and more
1. I need to be in a circle where I can face all my classmates and confidence in myself and that others have confidence in me.
2. a) I am very confident speaking in front of other students and am rarely nervous.
b) I will show up to class with homework finished.
c) I am honest with work. No cheating but will defiantly try and help explain the information to the other student.
d) Very aware of all of it. Checking the syllabus as much as possible will help with that.
e) Ask the teacher. If the teacher is busy then I will see if a classmate could help me.
f) none as of now.

Education Past and Present
1) Good: A teacher gave the class a decision to decide on choosing the letter A or B if everyone in the class choose A everyone got a 20/20 but if you choose A and one person picked B, the person who picked A got a 12/20 and the person who picked B got a 16/20
2) I am concerned with how much students use their cell phones. I understand the generation is very attached. I would want to use technology as much as possible so they stay away from using it in a negative way.

About Dr. Shutkin
1) Am I going to learn what it is like to be a teacher?

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