Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Field Blog Post # 10

Mrs. Kelm AP Stats

NDCL High School

My final field blog experience of the semester was interesting. I came on a pretty bad day, the class was taking a evaluation of the class. I thought I could not do anything but I talked to Mrs. Kelm. Her and I had a typical talk about college and everything. She was telling me how she knew she wanted to be a teacher when she was in her other profession. She said that she was not happy going to work, working over 50 hours a week not having a good time. She said she could be doing something better with her time. That really connected with me. She told me you are only 18 years old it is fine you do not know what you want to do yet. Yes I want to be a teacher but I am not 100% convinced this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. But that is what made me feel good is she was able to change her job. We discussed why I like it and why I do not. She told me about her experience. Not everyday is the best, some classes are difficult to try and connect with the students. But that is the cool part. Figuring out different techniques that work for you and your future students. She also told me that her co workers are the best their, they are all kind and helpful.
Even though class was not really going on this day it was one of the best field experience yet because I could just talk to her about everything going on which was very beneficial.
I truly enjoyed going class to class, teacher to teacher. Picking up on ways to teach, and ultimately good life skills in the field of teaching and the field of life. They were helping me think through problems and ideas I could not get my head around. So I am glad I went on these Field experiences throughout the first semester.

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