Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Post Number 9

This week in class we talked a lot about what a good class is like. One main aspect I would love is to have a good class size. It is important to have a reasonable size because the relationship between the student and the teacher can grow. I would say the perfect size would be about 20 students. I did some observation at Mayfield High School and one class I was in had 28 students. The teacher could not do anything about the size it was hard for him to maintain control of the class. It was seen that he had some relationships but with such a big class it was difficult to have relationships with everyone. Also keeping the class quiet was difficult.
Another big aspect of a good school I believe is the qualities a teacher has. A teacher needs to be enthusiastic, caring, understanding, and have many other qualities. Being enthusiactic is huge because it can dictate the whole class, if everyone is willing to learn the upbeat energy will only make them want to learn more. Being caring is also huge. Teachers caring for the student is awesome. I remember this one teacher who actually called me and would talk to me all the time. I had a bad family incident and he would talk to me everyday. It made me feel valuable and I knew he cared. That is why I want to teach to help people out through tough times and make them feel special. Also not even a teacher last year helped me out so much last year. He was in charge of campus ministry and he helped me through so much it was unbelievable. He helped me find God and become a loving person who helps those in need. Finally being understanding is huge. A teacher has to listen to what the student has to say. The teacher is someone a student looks up to and trusts.
Teachers are a very unique because in a short time they can become very close to a person. An adult making such a good connection with a child is difficult enough. But teachers manage to do it somehow.  

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